Fete Du Citron: A Guide to Menton’s Vibrant Festival in France

Every February, Menton, France, bursts into celebration, welcoming spring with the Fete Du Citron. This intriguing festival immediately captured my attention, compelling me to experience it firsthand. So of course I had to plan a trip to Menton! Here is a guide to Discovering Menton and the Fete Du Citron! The Stats: DATES: February 17th-March…

Discovering Menton: A Franco-Italian Gem on the French Riviera

Menton, France, is a Franco-Italian city that serves as an ideal base for exploring the French Riviera. Firstly, welcome to my guide, which will assist you in discovering Menton. Strategically located on the border of France and Italy, Menton is most renowned for the Menton Lemon. Interestingly, these lemons are geographically protected and never leave Menton. Consequently, chefs utilize…

What are Vignettes and Which Countries in the EU Require Them?

Planning a road trip through Europe? Here You can familiarize yourself with Vignettes and which countries require the use of them before you start your EU trip! So you are planning on driving in Europe, but before you head on that road trip take a look at which countries require you to obtain a vignette…