
Blogger standing in front of Temple in Bangkok

Hey there! I’m Kimberly, the face behind Kimberly Kephart Travels. I’m happy you’ve made it to my corner of the internet and are following along with my adventures. You’ll find that I am passionate about all things travel including solo travel, trip planning, sharing travel tips, and the emotions that go into traveling.

Travel is a big part of who I am and I believe everyone should have the chance to do it. Travel wasn’t always accessible to me, and I know for many others that is the case. However, if I can do one thing, it would be to motivate others to get out there and travel. Let’s get through those hurdles together!

Where Am I ?

Currently, I am based in Vicenza, Italy. My husband’s job has allowed us to live abroad for six years. Yay! Military! We’ve lived in Poland, Korea, and now Italy. Someone mentioned retirement recently and I can’t wrap my head around that!

Living abroad has given me the ability to assist others with trip planning, and give keen insights into different cultures and also the ins and outs of expat life. The logistics of international moves can be pretty exhausting!

It hasn’t always been easy moving around and I’d like to say with each move I have had to pivot into a different profession. It can be kind of scary but it’s given me the ability to find myself and tap into my creative side. Photography, Writing and Creating Content are some of my favorite things to do, especially if it involves travel!

Check out these articles I have written for a Military & Lifestyle Magazine based out of Korea, called United on the ROK

Make Time For Travel

A Weekend Getaway to Taiwan

My Background

I have a background in Business Management, Visual Merchandising and Design, and Non-Profit Operations. For a while I even worked in the Fitness Industry as a side hustle, teaching classes to community members. I’ve also been a volunteer extraordinaire, working with the military community in Poland and Korea.

One of the most unique things I have been a part of during my time abroad is a program called “We Go Supporters” created by the Republic Of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Focus was largely on creating cohesion between U.S. service members and Koreans. We would create content based on Korean Culture and History and were allowed to travel to different regions participating in events like making Kimchi and visiting battlefields of the Korean War.

I’ve even worked alongside the International Dharma Instructors Association and assisted in bringing an educational event to the Military Community at Osan Airbase, South Korea.

Let’s Get In Touch

If you’d like more information on working with me, Mission and Vision: Work With Me

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